This Saturday – Kenguru Pro Street Workout World Cup 2016 Stage in Santa Severa, Italy

First time in Italy -> Kenguru Pro Street Workout World Cup 2016, Stage in Italy, Rome on 23rd of July.

Facebook page –

Organizer: Italian Street Workout Organization “RadarBarz’’ and the Federation ”WSWCF.”

Participants, name, country, instagram:

1.Sławek Szymkowiak (Poland) @wanttoworkout
2.Plamen Atanasov (Bulgaria) @iamfreefly_usc
3.Tony Liposhliev (Bulgaria)
4.Antoine Lacotte (France) @antoine_sbl
5.Gaelofski Le Moignechenko (France) @gael_breizh
6.Aleš Fišer (Czech Republic)
7.Ákos Szarka (Hungary)
8.Andi Lutz (Austria) @andipower
9.Giampaolo Calvaresi (Italy) @showtime_gp
10.Daniele Inverardi (Italy) @danielepachinkoinverardi

RadarBarz Team