Interview with Joefrey Ragasa Sacyaton before the World Street Workout Championship 2014 in Moscow

Athlete Information
Name: Joefrey Ragasa Sacyaton
Age: 26
Country: Oslo Norway
Twitter: Joefrey Sacyaton
Instagram: Happyjoefrey_Teamphysix

What is your daily routine?
Training and work

Tell us something about your experience?
I’ve been doing some different sports since I was little. So can briefly say that I have kept myself in shape all the time.

Do you prefer to work in a team or individually?
Could do both, but i prefer work as a team. It’s more supportive

What is the strangest thing that has happened to you since you started doing street workout?
Nothing particularly strange happened. But I liked the environment. And I love this type of training. it is much cooler than the gym. This made me much stronger and stable

What has been one of your greatest accomplishments as a bar athlete?
Confidence and strength I’ve gained. makes me feel that I distinguish myself from other

What’s your most memorable moment?
When I won the championship in Norway Street Workout 14 May 2014

Do you have any rituals or a mantra that you use to pump yourself up before a competition?
No further other than focus and think about what motivated me. This is my life dream

How do you mentally prepare yourself to do such complicated routines before you compete?
My experience being that you must not think too much. Have a fun and smile. I’ve been doing this for six months so I have nothing to lose

Do you think Street Workout should be an Olympic sport and if so why?
Yes. This sport is the best thing that has been invented, I believe. It’s fun to train it and cool also fun for others to watch

What do you expect from World Street Workout and Calisthenics Federation in future?
Right judgment, clean rules and let it be a friendly sport

What was the first thought in your mind when you qualified to Street Workout World 
Championship to represent your country?

I couldn’t believed my own ears that I, I would go to the World Cup. I was super happy. Can’t wait to hit the legendary guys

This year rules are split in categories and in order to win World Championship you must be perfect in static, dynamic and mixed elements. How do you perceive these changes in rules?
I think the rules are awesome and I’m going to hold me to it. I hope the jugdes will do the same

This Street Workout World Championship will bring together national champions from 65 different countries. How would you rate your chances to become a world champion?
I try not to think about it. Training hard now and deliver what I have worked hard and are hopeful that it hold to get 3rd 2nd or 1st place. I know that there are many strong performers so it can be tough

What’s next for (athlete name)? Competitions? Hard Moves?
I don’t know yet

Any advices for someone who wants or his goal is to compete in the Street Workout World Championship?  
Follow your dream and work hard for it

What can you say to all the participants before the championship?
I wish everyone good luck and let it be a friendly competition!