Full Name: Dwayne Delves
Nickname: chosen
Age: 32
Country: Toronto, Canada
Facebook (fan page or profile): bodybychosen
Twitter: bodybychosen
Youtube Channel: bodybychosen
Instagram: chosenboss
Time doing street workout: 4 years
How did you get involved in the street workout world?
I got introduced to street workout from watching lord vital , juice , team wingate and the bartendaz on YouTube and when I used to visit newyork city as a kid.
Why did you choose to practice street workout?
I choose to practice street workout because I was tired of doing weights and I wanted a challenge and to try something new.
How is street workout reflected in your life?
Street workout changed my life, it gave me another opportunity to do something I enjoy and have a passion to help others learn it also.
What are your short term, mid term and long term goals with street workout?
My short,mid, and long term goals is to spread street workout across Canada , continuing building a powerful and discipline team but most importantly get a street workout park develop in Toronto.
How many times do you workout during the week?
I workout out 6 days a week. Street workout , boxing, speed and agility drills.
Do you have any specific workout plan or you just improvise and do your thing?
I like to stick to the basics so 500 pull ups push ups dips and squats per workout is the goal
Which would be the most complex move you achieved (tell us about the process it took you, to achieve it)?
The most complexed moved I have achieved is the strict form muscle up. My max is 23 my goal is 33 at my weight which I’m 185 is difficult but anything is possible with hard work.
Which would be the best experience you had doing street workout?
My best experience is shooting a video with lord vital , juice and EIB filmed my Majik films and the video went viral. Over 2 million views in total.
What inspire or motivate you to keep on doing street workout?
What inspires me is seeing other too street workout athletes like Hannibal, Denis and others and I just say to myself I want to be better then them period
Which would be the worst experience you had doing street workout?
I have no bad experience with street workout.
What do you expect from the street workout community in the next couple of years?
I expect this community to get bigger and bigger world wide and major sponsors paying all the teams for events and competitions.
Can you give an advise for all the people that would like to start doing street workout?
For everyone who starting street workout. Remember stick to the basics and don’t worry what you see on YouTube. Train hard everyday to be the best and teach others while doing it. Salute team Chosen Toronto.