67 participants from 48 countries participated in Street Workout World Championship 2014 qualification round. Best 16 athletes were selected to compete in Final round.
Results of Final round:
1. Eryc Ramiro Ortiz Avendano (France)
2. Christopher James Luera (USA)
3. Robert Polonski (Lithuania)
4. Vadym Oliinyk (Ukraina)
5/6. Aleksandr Stashkov (Kazahstan)
5/6. Dmitri Kuznecov (Russia)
7/8. Ramy Greasteau (France)
7/8. Sergio Ordenez De Torres (Spain)
9. Dejan Stipic (Serbia)
10. Marko Paradzikovic (Slovenia)
11/12/13. Bin Mohd Azman Mohd Afiq Amirul (Malaysia)
11/12/13. Ismael A Lugo (USA)
11/12/13. Piotr Gorzela (Poland)
14. Danijel Svec (Croatia)
15. Nikita Anicimov (Russia)
16. Denton Contesh (UK)
Official video:
The following regulations (“Regulations”) of the Street Workout World Championship 2014 (“SWWC 2014”) have been developed by the World Street Workout & Calisthenics Federation (“Federation”) in cooperation with its member organizations. These Regulations are addressed to the organizations and persons responsible for organization of SWWC 2014 (“Organizers”) and street workout athletes participating (“Participants”) in the SWWC 2014. These Regulations are intended only for the use of the addressees for the purpose of ensuring the SWWC 2014. Any use, disclosure or copying of these Regulations in whole or in part not in accordance with their intended purpose is prohibited under the applicable law and requires express previous consent of the Federation.
There are separate Regulations for Street Workout National Championships 2014 made by the Federation and available at the Federation’s official website www.wswcf.org. The Street Workout National Championships of 2014 conducted by the Federation’s member countries according to the said Regulations for Street Workout National Championships 2014 will ensure qualification of the national athletes from those particular countries (“Participant Countries”) for participation in the Street Workout World Championship 2014 in Moscow, Russia, as described below.
1.1 The SWWC 2014 will take place on 26 July, 2014, in Moscow, Russia.
1.2 To duly qualify for the SWWC 2014 the Participant Country has to organize the Street Workout National Championship 2014 of that country and notify its results to the Federation until June 15, 2014 (including).
2.1 The SWWC 2014 will be organized by the Federation and Moscow Sports Ministry (MOSCOMSPORT).
2.2 The Street Workout National Championship 2014 in every particular Participant Country will be organized by the official member organization(s) of the Federation in that country and/or other organization(s) loyal to the Federation.
3.1 The Street Workout National Championship 2014 of the Participant Country must be organized as a live competition with athletes being present and competing against each other face-to-face.
3.2 Organizers of the Street Workout National Championship 2014 have to give equal opportunity to all athletes of the particular Participant Country to apply for participation in the competition.
3.3 Only in case if it is not possible to organize live competition due to financial, geographical or other serious reasons or obstacles, Street Workout National Championship 2014 of the Participant Country may be organized as an online competition.
3.4 Online competition can also be used as a pre-selection competition before the Street Workout National Championship 2014 live competition if it is not reasonably possible for all applicants to compete in the Street Workout National Championship 2014 of the Participant Country.
4.1 The SWWC 2014 will be organized as a live one-day competition with athletes being present and competing against each other face-to-face.
4.2 Each Participant of the SWWC 2014 will be officially representing his country, i.e., the Participant Country which organized the Street Workout National Championship 2014 in which the particular Participant qualified for the SWWC 2014.
4.3 All Participants will be treated on equal terms, respecting their nationality, race and religion to the extent practically possible.
4.4 Winner of the SWWC 2014 will obtain the title of “Street Workout World Champion 2014” in street workout “freestyle” category.
5.1 All winners of the Street Workout National Championships 2014 of the Participant Countries are allowed to participate in the SWWC 2014 according to Clauses 13.1 to 13.3 of these Regulations.
5.2 Each Participant must have a valid health insurance (personally paid for or financed by a sponsor / supporter, etc.).
5.3 Each Participant must take full responsibility for his health condition and is personally liable for his actions and their possible consequences both during competition and free time.
5.4 Athletes who are or have been enclosed in the list of licensed sportsmen of the International Federation of Gymnastics – IFG (Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique – FIG) are not allowed to participate in the SWWC 2014.
5.5 The Participants must have legal rights to travel and enter Moscow, Russia, if they qualify for the SWWC 2014. Participants who are less than 18 years old must be able to travel alone without a senior companion.
5.6 The Participants must have at least basic knowledge of English language to be able to communicate with the Organizers.
5.7 If the Participant qualifies for participation in the SWWC 2014, but for any personal reason is unable to arrive to the place of competition in Moscow, Russia, his participation will be annulled and, if still practically possible, the vacant place offered to next Participant in reserve list pursuant to Clause 13.7 below. In case of any anticipated absence (whether planned or unplanned) the particular Participant must notify the Federation and the Organizer of the relevant Street Workout National Championship 2014 as soon as reasonably possible.
6.1 It is reasonable to set limit for the number of Participants taking part in the SWWC 2014 to be able to organize the event within the time during which viewers are capable of keeping continuous interest in the competition.
6.2 Therefore the Federation has set the maximum number of Participants from each Participant Country allowed to participate in the SWWC 2014 as stated in Clauses 13.1 to 13.3 of these Regulations.
6.3 The competition will consist of two (2) rounds – the first round will be the qualification round (“Qualification”) and the second round will be the final round (“Final”). After the first round fifteen (15) best Participants will proceed to the second round. The rest of the Participants will discontinue the competition.
6.4 Both rounds of the competition have to be completed within one and the same day.
6.5 The time of the competition may be restricted (due to TV translation requirements or other objective reasons).
6.6 In case of television translations technical intermissions may be applied during the competition.
7.1 The competition will be held on a stage (minimal area: 6 x 6 meters, height: 1 meter). There have to be at least the following metal constructions firmly attached to the stage: horizontal bar, dips, and “monkey” bar. Additional constructions may be placed if coordinated with the Federation.
7.2 The maximum performance time given for one Participant in Qualification is two (2) minutes.
7.3 The maximum performance time given for one Participant in Final is three (3) minutes.
7.4 In case of special occasions (TV translation requirements, etc.) maximum performance time given for one Participant in each round can be limited. The limitations will be applied equally to all Participants.
7.5 The order of the Participants will be drawn (selected by lottery) by the Federation before the SWWC 2014 in a video which will be published at the Federation’s internet resources.
7.6 Each Participant may use his own selection of music which has to be submitted by the Participant to the Organizers in a data medium at the competition venue before its start accompanied with a written application to the Federation stating the name of the song, the name of the artist, the name of the album, the album’s publication year and publisher, the number of the song in the album. Those Participants who will have failed to submit their personalized music selections will perform with a music chosen by a DJ.
7.7 During their performance the Participants may perform any street workout elements to amaze judges and increase the evaluation.
7.8 During his performance each Participant is allowed to use gloves, additional weights, as well as other elements contributing to splendour of the athlete’s performance and make it more attractive.
7.9 In each round each Participant is allowed to use the help of another Participant for performance of one (1) element, but during the remaining performance time the Participant must be alone.
7.10 It is forbidden to perform or use insulting or offensive actions, gestures, and attributes towards other participants, judges, or viewers.
7.11 Any offenses concerning national or racial hatred are categorically forbidden.
7.12 Dress-code. As street workout sport is distinctive from classical or sports gymnastics, the Participants must present themselves not only with a distinctive performance, but also with a distinctive choice of wardrobe. The requirements for the wardrobe are the following:
7.12.1 Participants must wear closed-toe shoes. Gymnastic shoes are not allowed.
7.12.2 Participants must wear long trousers or shorts that are not shorter than 5 cm above the knees. Jogging shorts or gymnastic shorts are not allowed.
7.12.3 Tight-fitting gymnastics shorts are not allowed.
7.12.4 The Participants are allowed to use special costumes that fit their chosen themes in order to highlight the richness of their performance (e.g. James Bond, Batman, Zorro, etc.).
7.12.5 Any tight-fitting gymnastic suits are not allowed.
7.13 Participants may be required to perform a doping test according to the international regulations and requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). By taking participation in the SWWC 2014 the Participants irrevocably agree to take, where appropriate, anti-doping tests.
7.14 If the results of the anti-doping test are positive, the guilty Participant will be disqualified from participation in official street workout events for a period of two (2) years.
8.1 In the SWWC 2014 there will be a panel of six (6) judges which will be selected as follows.
8.2 Three (3) judges will be selected by member organisations of the Federation. The Federation will invite the member organisations to submit their list of 3 potential judges which, in their opinion, are duly qualified to assess international competitions. Afterwards the Federation will consolidate the received proposals in a common list and those 3 candidates who will have received the highest number of votes will be selected as judges for the SWWC 2014. The Federation will publish the list of selected judges and will invite them to judge the SWWC 2014 by covering their travel expenses (the lowest-cost travel ticket) and accommodation costs (accommodation venue will be provided by the Organizers), but the Federation will not pay them remuneration for judging and will not satisfy any of their addition demands. If any of the invited judges refuses to judge the SWWC 2014 the Federation will automatically invite next-in-row top candidate from the consolidated list of judges.
8.3 Three (3) independent judges will be appointed by the Federation.
8.4 The judges must be well recognized and respected persons within the street workout community, who have contributed to organization or development of the street workout sport in their respective countries or internationally. The judge must be a person with high morale, must be objective and shall have no conflicts of interest. The judges should be selected according to their real and verifiable contribution (e.g., judge is working with youth, is leading or facilitating street workout movement) and not only by their public image created by themselves in the social networks.
8.5 The Federation reserves the right to withdraw the particular judge if it turns out that the judge has been selected in violation of these Regulations.
9.1 Judges cannot participate in the competition or assist during any performance of any Participant.
9.2 Each judge will assess the performance of each Participant by awarding him with a mark of “1” to “10” points in the Qualification and in the Final (the higher mark awarded, the better was the performance). However each judge will be responsible for assessing only one (1) criteria of the Participant’s performance as described below:
9.2.1 Static elements’ judge. The first (1st) judge shall give marks from “1” to “10” only for the static elements. This judge must be known as specialist in static elements, knowing all details of difficulty of moves.
9.2.2 Dynamic elements’ judge. The second (2nd) judge shall give marks from “1” to “10” only for dynamic elements. This judge must be known as specialist in dynamic elements, knowing all details of difficulty of moves.
9.2.3 Move combinations’ judge. The third (3rd) judge shall give marks from “1” to “10” only for combination of moves and elements. This judge has to be known as specialist in combinations or experienced in judging street workout freestyle events.
9.2.4 Each of the three separate criteria under Clauses 9.2.1-9.2.3 above is assessed by two (2) different judges at the same time.
9.3 Each judge must use the full range of marks (points) subject to regulations stated below.
9.4 If the Participant has shown only good quality static elements, but has not shown any dynamic elements or combinations of moves and elements, then he may obtain up to “10” points only from the static elements’ judge. The other two judges must give “0” points.
9.5 If the Participant has shown only good quality dynamic elements, but has not shown any static elements or combinations of moves and elements, then he may obtain up to “10” points only from the dynamic elements’ judge. The other two judges must give “0” points.
9.6 If the Participant has shown good quality static and dynamic elements, but no combinations of moves and elements, he may obtain up to “10” points from both the static and dynamic elements’ judges. The move combinations’ judge must give “0” points.
9.7 If the Participant has shown only good quality static elements and combinations of moves and elements, but has not shown any dynamic elements, then he may obtain up to “10” points from both the static elements’ and move combinations’ judges. The dynamic elements’ judge must give “0” points.
9.8 If the Participant has shown only good quality dynamic elements and combinations of moves and elements, but has not shown any static elements, then he may obtain up to “10” points from both the dynamic elements’ and move combinations’ judges. The static elements’ judge must give “0” points.
9.9 Marks (points) shall be given by relevant judge (when assessing the criteria he is responsible for) in the following way:
9.9.1 The judge may give a mark up to maximum of “3” points if the Participant within one round (the Qualification or the Final) has shown only one (1) perfect static / dynamic move or one (1) perfect combination.
9.9.2 The judge may give a mark up to maximum of “5” points if the Participant within one round (the Qualification or the Final) has shown only two (2) perfect static / dynamic moves or two (2) perfect combinations.
9.9.3 The judge may give a mark up to maximum of “10” points if the Participant within one round (the Qualification or the Final) has shown at least three (3) perfect static / dynamic moves or three perfect combinations.
9.10 In the Qualification round, marks will be given by each judge to each Participant. At the end of the Qualification round, fifteen (15) Participants with the highest marks given by judges in the Qualification round will proceed to the Final round.
9.11 In the Final round, marks will be given by each judge to each Participant and then summed together for both rounds. At the end of competition the highest sum of points earned in both rounds (the Qualification and the Final) will determine the winner.
9.12 In case the Participant ignores the requirements listed in Clause 7.12 of these Regulations the Participant shall receive “0” points from all judges in that particular round.
9.13 Before competition each judge will be handed a table with all the needed requirements in order to facilitate the judges’ work. The specimen of the table will be prepared by the Federation and distributed to the Organizers during the preparation phase for the SWWC 2014.
9.14 Before the competition all the judges must get acquainted with the regulations of the competition and must confirm their agreement to the regulations by their signature.
9.15 In case of identical results (equal sum of points earned by two or more Participants) the judges will collegially and democratically decide the winner by presenting constructive arguments.
9.16 All the marks given by the judges have to be published immediately after compilation of the results.
10.1 Complaints will be accepted only in case there is suspicion of dishonest (too high) valuation for the benefit of the Participants, who did not present their best performance by executing all the requirements listed in Clause 9 of these Regulations. Complaints about too low valuations will not be accepted due to the fact that each judge has the right to give low marks for, in his opinion, inadequate performance.
10.2 In situation when a Participant has received a low valuation from only one judge – unlike the marks received from other judges – the complaint will be reviewed by the Advisory Board of the Federation.
10.3 The complaints must be submitted in writing to the designated representative of the Federation no later than one (1) hour after the announcement of the competition results. The complaint forms will be available at the designated representative of the Federation.
10.4 The complaints will be reviewed if there will be at least three (3) complaints submitted by at least three (3) different participants about the same judge. The validity of complaints will be determined by reviewing video materials of performance of the relevant Participants.
10.5 If the complaint is found to be justified and it is found true that a judge has subjectively given a higher score to a participant, who did not execute all the requirements listed in Clause 9 of these Regulations, the particular judge will not be allowed to judge in official street workout competitions organized by the Federation for two (2) years.
10.6 If the complaint has led to detection of violation of these Regulations, the results of the competition will not be changed, but only the prohibition of refereeing will be imposed in respect of the particular judge. This will prevent the judges from false allegations.
11.1 There will be a Viewers’ Choice Award, as follows:
11.1.1 The format of the Viewers’ Choice Award will be designed by the Federation according to its insights and resources and sponsor’s requirements.
11.1.2 The Viewers’ Choice Award will be awarded to the Participant who has obtained the most viewers’ votes.
11.1.3 The Viewers’ Choice Award will not affect the judges’ valuations and it will not grant the Participants the right to appeal the valuations.
11.1.4 The Viewers’ Choice Award gives the awarded Participant a title that can be used in the further athlete’s career (The Winner of the Viewers’ Choice Award of the SWWC 2014).
12.1 The Federation is entitled to invite at its own request special guests and representatives of the member organisations in addition to the Participants.
12.2 The program of the SWWC 2014 is intended only for the Participants and the special guests invited by the Federation.
12.3 In the event any Participant brings along to the SWWC 2014 any other person (family member, relative, parent, child, friend, etc.) such Participant is responsible for covering of all costs of such additional person (travel, accommodation, catering, entertainment, etc.). The Participants will be allowed to spend time with such persons only after the end of the competition.
12.4 The Federation is entitled to modify or supplement the above stated specific terms regarding the SWWC 2014, if, in the reasonable opinion of the Federation, it becomes necessary or useful based on the observations and experience of the Federation.
13.1 In each Participant Country the best one (1) or two (2) Participants who will receive the highest judges’ scores in the Street Workout national Championship 2014 will automatically obtain the right to participate in the SWWC 2014 (“Selected Participants”).
13.2 Participant Countries that have long established traditions in organizing of street workout social events and competitions, visible development of street workout culture, significant amount of people involved in street workout movement and a track record of participation in previous Street Workout World Championships will have the right to send two (2) Selected Participants to represent the Participant Country in the SWWC 2014. These are the following twenty (20) counties:
13.2.1 USA;
13.2.2 Russia;
13.2.3 Ukraine;
13.2.4 Spain;
13.2.5 France;
13.2.6 Croatia;
13.2.7 Belarus;
13.2.8 Israel;
13.2.9 Norway;
13.2.10 Netherlands;
13.2.11 UK;
13.2.12 Germany;
13.2.13 Italy;
13.2.14 Poland;
13.2.15 Latvia;
13.2.16 Lithuania;
13.2.17 Estonia;
13.2.18 Portugal;
13.2.19 Bulgaria;
13.2.20 Hungary.
13.3 Other Participant Countries (not listed above) will have the right to send only one (1) Selected Participant to represent the Participant Country in the SWWC 2014.
13.4 All travel and accommodation expenses for Selected Participants of the SWWC 2014, except for travel insurance and visa, will be fully covered by the Moscow Sports Ministry.
13.5 Each Selected Participant of the SWWC 2014 has to pay for his visa by himself, taking a receipt as a proof of payment. Visa expenses will be refunded to the participant in Moscow in exchange of the original of receipt.
13.6 The health and travel insurance has to be made by each Selected Participant of the SWWC 2014 at his own cost and will not be refunded.
13.7 The Federation and the Organizers of Street Workout National Championships 2014 are not liable for any Selected Participant’s inability to travel to the SWWC 2014 competition venue. In case if any Selected Participant from any Participant Country does not have the possibility to travel, obtain visa to Russia, or ensure the required insurance, the right to participate in the SWWC 2014 passes to the Participant with the next highest score just behind the Selected Participant according to the final ranking in the Street Workout World Championship 2014 of that Participant Country.
On behalf of World Street Workout & Calisthenics Federation
Chairman of the Management Board Maris Slezins