About World Pull-Up Day 2015

Our team would like to inform you, that we have already started project World Pull-Up Day 2015.
We are planing to make it much bigger than in 2014. We are planning to organize it again in the middle of September.

Here are some tasks we would like you to do till the end of February, so that we all are moving forward in preparation.


Please find potential World Pull-Up Day ambassadors of your Pull-Up point, city or country. It must be locally or internationally known person. All we need from this famous person is his support sharing information about this global charity and sports event on his social media, inviting people to come and join and to come at the event day and do few pull-ups supporting your event live. This famous person can be sportsmen, musician, politician, actor or any other profession. This will help attracting more support and people to your pull-up points and also will really help on media coverage. You might think that why famous people would support you, but trust me, one out of 10 will be happy to help, because this event is positive PR also for him and there is nothing bad about this event at all. It’s a positive sports and charity event.
We say it so brave just because even at first event in 2014 many famous people were attracted. For example Russian famous hip hop artist Timati, that has 1,1 m followers on Instagram and he is super famous in Russia. Russian famous football player Alexander Kokorin, many Olympic medalist and other famous people was ambassadors of this project in their country. You need to find one for your Pull-Up point, because now it’s even more easy. We have so many great pictures from all over the world on www.worldpullupday.com and Facebook page and people can really make sure that event is something positive. Also you can mention that website will have a special place where all these ambassadors will be mentioned with their pictures and descriptions.


Those who has a Pull-Up point somewhere in the middle of nowhere. It’s your time to shine. Please contact your local municipality and explain idea of project, show pictures, show website and ask to allow to organize event in the middle of the city. Also you can ask for a small support building a portable pull-up bar, that your team could use not only for this event, but also for the other healthy lifestyle and sports promotions of your city. We will provide you with portable bar drawings and it’s really not expensive to make a portable pull-up bar. This will help you to organize event in the middle of city and will help you to attract more people that in future will be your friends and followers.

Every municipality is interested in having a healthy lifestyle and sports promotion events in their city and there is nothing that you have to be afraid of. Just go and ask for support, and again don’t forget to show pictures and results of last year. If you need personal letter from me (Chairman of World Street Workout and Calisthenics Federation) I will make it.


Find local sponsor/friend/partner  who will provide you with goods or will help you with charity. World Pull-Up Day is global charity event and is made to promote good things all over the world. Last year we didn’t had a lot of time for the preparation but even without it, so many Pull-Up points succeeded in making their Pull-Up points with charity aim. People donated food that was given to homeless people, donated goods and clothing for local orphanage houses, donated money for sick children and etc.  If possible find some company that will donate for each pull-up made in your pull-up point or who will feed people, animals or do anything good because of people donating their pull-ups. Let’s make something good out of it.

All your supporters will have a special place on new website version of World Pull-Up Day so that others will see their support.

Find media friends / partners that will spread a word about this event. It can be any media (TV, radio, web, newspaper, website and etc). Media partners / friends that will help you attract more people and attention. All media will also be mentioned on the new website.
We not only ask you to do your tasks, but also work hard on our side:

– preparing official presentation of World Pull-Up Day 2015, which will will give to all
– planning official date of the vent,
– finding global sponsors to support the event,
– working on World Guinness Record project, because we want you all to become a World Record holders 🙂
– working on ideas how to make a new website easy to work with for you and us.

I hope you all are ready to work on that.

Maris Slezins
Founder and Chairman of WSWCF