1) Number of countries is no more important for World Championship. Previous years we were trying to bring as many countries as possible. Now size of the event and movement is big enough worldwide to focus only on quality. We will only have participants only from countries where official WSWCF Street Workout Freestyle National Championship was organized strictly according to unite WSWCF rules and requirements.
2) Men and Women Championship together on the same stage, with the same judges and same unite rules.
3) Judges appointed only by WSWCF. We used to make vote for judges, but starting from this year WSWCF will pick judges based on previous experience. Vote for judges mostly was based on the name, not on experience. Time proved that name is not the most important aspect.
4) Name FREESTYLE added in World Championship’s name. Because Street Workout World Championship from 2015 will be separate for FREESTYLE and POWER AND STRENGTH category. Those who are interested in participating in Street Workout Power and Strength World Championship can register for selection competitions online on special web platform www.streetworkout.net
5) HD quality Live Stream from championship. We didn’t not paid attention to live stream of our events before and it turned to be an unquality low level broadcast from web camera. It was our fault and we want to improve it. This year we already tried highest quality live stream from World Cup stage in Jurmala and those who saw it was shocked of quality. This is what you will get this year from World Championship and all future major event. World Championship HD quality Live stream filmed on 3 HD cameras on high speed internet and graphics will be available ONLY onWWW.STREETWORKOUT.NET. We are now finishing our TV section on this platform. Live stream will be free of charge. You will only have to register on platform. From now on, this platform will be the place off all mayor street workout activities organized by WSWCF worldwide.
One bar, One love
Maris Slezins
Engine of WSWCF